Recently, I am working on a pet project, the goal is to have an Azure SQL Edge docker running on an Android device
Below are the steps I have taken
On the Host – Android, Termux
- Install termux on android
Recently, I am working on a pet project, the goal is to have an Azure SQL Edge docker running on an Android device
Below are the steps I have taken
Another period review, another checkpoint.
For a long time, I didn’t quite understand the meaning of checkpoint, is it just for review? Is it just for self retrospection? Or is it helping me to look into the future? To prepare ... Read More...
For the past few days, I have been searching for alternatives to publish documents directly onto WordPress, it’s just because Microsoft Word removed the support for blog posts.
I have come up with different approaches, they all have some ... Read More...
I quit potato chips long time ago, below is my approach to stop taking that.
Which is harder? To resist my cravings for a bag of potato chips while the bag is just sitting there 15 ... Read More...
Leaning on the bed, knowing I have more important things to do, but I just could not stop scrolling, all the information I am getting from the feeds are basically useless, repetitive, and repeating useless. I knew it’s time to ... Read More...
过去的这个阶段, 因为老大休假, 所以很多任务就自然交给我. 原本以为和以往一样, 很快就能搞定, 结果需求一个接着一个, 没完没了, 也算是体会了一下他平时的工作节奏.
好在任务还是按时完成, 而且成功交付. 事后想一下, 其实有很多地方都是可以改进的.
比如拿到需求之后, 想一下对方的需求, 要是我们的数据能帮到对方, 那是最好, 直接就能给结果.要是对方的理解有偏差, 我们又没有更好的数据支持, 那只能告诉他们不行, 能不能找其他的团队想想办法.
工作其实就是一个不断犯错, 不断总结, 不断前进的过程, 要是一味重复, 那就和刚毕业的新手没有区别了.
这个阶段, 自己跑步还算可以, 每个星期至少跑一次10KM, 自己的体重也终于见到139. 原本去年以为达不到的目标, 一步一步走过来, 也就达到了.
申请了几个岗位, 有本地也有远程的, 在申请岗位的同时, 看看岗位需求, 也是一种很好的激励自己的方式.
多少付出就有多少收获, 这个阶段, 自己主动把YouTube删了, ...
So it has been 5 weeks again. Let me think about what I have done.
We went to Ithaca to visit Cornell, as part of the US top universities trip, and visited places in Ithaca. August visited the waterfall for ... Read More...
不久前去了威尼斯, 趁着印象还深, 写点攻略.