Check Point – 20240602

Not sure where to start, I think things gets easier when you make up your mind, and just decide to do so.  

For the most part of this cycle, I have been planning the trip to Europe, Italy, to be more specific.  I wasn’t sure if we could make it,  another thought is why not? The money I saved will be spent on some groceries I wouldn’t remember in 3 months, or, spend 3 times of it on something I would remember for the lifetime?  The answer is obvious.  

When there’s a will, there’s a way.  

Plan, schedule, book flight, sightseeing, hotel, and print out all the documents, and go. 

Budget of course is important, what will you regret more? 25% Over budget or within budget but not enjoy?  Again, the answer is obvious.

Rome, Vatican city, amazing weather, breathtaking ancient preserves. Unforgettable gelato, caffe lungo, doppio.

Florence, what a poetry city, crowded but welcoming. The T-bone, yeah that! Trattoria Alfredo, can’t miss that. 

Venice,  tons of photos, nice ones. Gondola,  calle, and puzzling google maps and GPS.

Milan, short stay,  but fashion,  everyone dresses whatever the way they want. 

11 days in total, just forget about the budget,  we had a priceless memory. 

Now I am on the flight back to New York,  looking outside,  with unbelievably refreshing mind,  with lifetime memories in mind,  and of course,  tons of photos on my phone,  I’m glad I listened to my wife to take the trip to Italy, more importantly,  to step out the comfort zone,  to speak primary Italian with strangers, to talk the talk, walk the walk.

It’s all just like this checkpoint article, just start doing it, inertia will take care of the rest. Just enjoy the process. 

Tasks during this period


  • See 143.6 Lbs
  • Maintain daily <= 147 Lbs.
  • Trip to Europe
  • Run one 15 KM
  • Take one online course
  • Pescatarian for one week


Tasks for next period 


  • See 142.6 Lbs
  • Maintain daily <= 147 Lbs.
  • Run one 16 KM
  • Take one online course
  • Apply for 5 jobs
  • Pescatarian for one week



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